Publications of the Graphics Philately Association
The primary means of communication of the Graphics Philately Association is the quarterly
publication Philateli-Graphics (P-G), published in January, April, July, and October. [View sample issue.] P-G includes:
- information on printing history, the history of the book as an artifact, graphic arts, and
many ancillary topics as depicted on postage stamps;
- annotated lists of new, world-wide postal issues that pertain to the topics just noted;
- stories about stamps and printing techniques used for stamp production;
- interviews with people involved with many aspects of the field;
- news about GPA members;
- relevant reprints of articles from other publications, and much more.
Members of the GPA are encouraged to share their knowledge and experience through articles
and letters sent to P-G for publication.
Back issues of Philateli-Graphics are available (the earlier issues as photocopies) for U.S.$5.00
each, postage paid (U.S.$6.00 each outside North America, postage paid). Please request back
issues from the Secretary.
Winnegrad's Printing on Stamps

The GPA also publishes Winnegrad's Printing on Stamps. The publication, previously titled Printing on Stamps, was retitled to honor Mark Harris Winnegrad, one of the co-founders of the GPA in 1975 and past President. Originating as a term paper for a course on the history of books and printing, Printing on Stamps soon grew to include citations for famous printers, stamps depicting printing and graphic arts equipment, processes related to printing, printing plants and printers' marks, and papermaking, all as depicted on postage stamps. The first, second and third editions of Printing on Stamps were issued in 1975, 1978, and 1989 respectively.
The much-expanded Fourth Edition, published in early 2017 and updated in 2018, with over 6,000 entries and an expanded range of topics was compiled by Bruce L. Johnson and is current through September 2017. Because of the size of the list, we are distributing it in both electronic (PDF) and printed format:
$20 for PDF only
$35 for PDF plus printed to U.S. addresses
$45 for PDF plus printed to addresses outside U.S.
($5 discount for GPA patron members.)
Copies are available from the Secretary.
Looking ahead, the plan is to update the checklist annually.